Palm Chic: The Jumpsuit That Looks Good On Everyone

Jumpsuits are super chic but also super hard to wear. The porportions are never seem quite right.  That doesn’t stop me from buying them and trying them.  Luckily I recently found the perfect summer jumpsuit that basically looks good on everyone, the Avon Heather Jumpsuit. Word on The Palm Chic Collection: Ready for vacay? With…

Let’s Go To Mexico!

Happy first day of summer! I wish I was on my way to a summer vacation, like to Mexico, but since I’m not I’d figure I might as well take an instant vacation today with the mark. Oaxaca fashion collection! Every year mark. releases a summer instant vacation capsule collection, while this year’s is a…

Word On Avon True Color Lip Glow Lip Gloss

Today’s Lip of the Week is lots of lips!  Avon has a new product release, its newest lip gloss, Lip Glow!  It comes in 21 shades, some similar to Avon’s most popular Glazewear shades, some shades completley brand new.  I picked out 5 shades to try and I’ve been wearing them non-stop. Word on Lip…

Palm Chic: A Maxi Dress for Shorties

Shorty swing my way, sure look good to me…  I have no qualms being a 5 foot nothing gal, but it does have its shortcomings.  (see what I did there!?)  One of those, is maxi dresses… they are always SO LONG even with your tallest wedges.  Relaxed summer days you want a maxi that you…

Mani Monday – June

How are we already 11 days through June!?!  June is one of the best summer months here in Nor Cal because its not mega hot yet, and everyone is excited and not complaining about it being super hot.  I personally love it being super mega hot but I know I’m in the minority.  You know…