From The Desk Of Alicia: Technical Difficulties

  Just a little operational note.  My eBoutique has been down for a week… sad face… but should be back up with a vengeance this week… happy face!  If you wanted to get an Avon/mark. Campaign 8 order in please email directly at This means the campaign with the 5 for $20 lip deal…

Lip Shades You Need For Spring

Happy first day of spring!  As the days continue to climb a little warmer, and the sunlight lasts a little longer it’s time to freshen things up.  Time to clean the windows and open them up for some fresh air.  Time for fresh flowers to brighten things up.  Time to refresh your look the easiest…

Houndstooth on Houndstooth

It may be in the low 80’s here but it’s the last day of winter!  Can’t say I’m disappointed, but I can say what I’ve been loving in late winter is lightweight blouses with everything from skirts to trousers to ankle pants, etc…  My favorite being the Express Portofino blouse.  It just fits and feels…

Copy Cat Look: Tamron Hall, The Today Show

  Every morning after hitting snooze a few times to my 3 (yes 3) different alarms and struggle to pull myself out of bed, head to the Keurig for my tea and then to the couch to turn on The Today Show to lounge myself awake.  I like the mindless entertainment with a dash of…

Green and Gold for St. Patrick’s Day

Luck O’ the Irish to ya this St. Patrick’s Day!  Since St. Patrick’s Day is going up on a Tuesday it’s much more low key, but that doesn’t mean any less themed out!  Wear your green so you don’t get pinched, eat some Irish food and/or hit up a pub! Word on what to wear:…

Cinderella Inspired Glass Slipper Mani

Since I’ve been on this Cinderella kick (here and here) when I was deciding on what to paint my nails I was inspired to do “glass slipper” nails! Don’t tell me you never made your fingers walk, because I know you did.  Now make those fingers walk in glass slippers by painting your pointer and…

Chic Peek: LC Lauren Conrad Disney’s Cinderella Collection

One of my earliest life memories is this magical day when I was a little girl and my older brother and mother took me to see Cinderella. It obiv was a re-release but to the 5-yr old Alicia is was the newest most magical movie ever and spawned many Cinderella themed outfits for most of…

Mani Monday: Copy Cat Lauren Conrad Nails

Lauren Conrad posted this pretty up on her Instagram page and I was immediately smitten, the soft shades, the gorge trimmings and that nail!  A small pop of sparkly goodness that I HAD to recreate!  It looks like a white base shade with pink undertones and a glittered textured top coat like Essie LuxeEffects (which…